If you’re a runner, you know that long runs can be tough, especially if you’re going solo. But have you ever considered running with a group? It’s a great way to make those long runs more enjoyable and effective. I’d like to share why running with a group is awesome for long runs and give you some tips on how to get started.

Boost Your Motivation and Accountability

Running with a group is an awesome way to get motivated and hold yourself accountable. When you have a bunch of people waiting for you to show up for a long run, you’re more likely to actually do it. Even though I am often the last one to show up, I make sure I am there.

Plus, during the run, you’ll have a cheer squad to help you push through the tough parts and stick to your goals. Running in Atlanta has perks to training. These Atlanta hills are NO JOKE! When I run them solo, I feel as if I will die, when I run with my run boos, I have a little more energy to take them on.

Safety First

Running in a group is also safer than going solo. Long runs often happen when it’s still dark out, and running with a group can make you feel more comfortable and secure, especially if you’re running in an unfamiliar area. I am a “back of the pack” runner so, that means many times, I am pulling up the rear.

5 AM pitch black mornings, are not fun for me and I won’t run solo even in my neighborhood.

On a couple occasions, I have been left back on a group run. There is tremendous terror and anxiety being left behind.

When this has happened, I leave vowing to never run again in a group because I couldn’t keep up. In all honesty, NO ONE should ever be left alone to run in the dark. If there are others in a group, there should be accountability. Either two things should happen; choose to find another slower paced group or the faster runners could slow down to accommodate the slower runner.

Up Your Performance Game

Running with a group can also help you improve your performance. You’ll be more likely to run at a faster pace and push yourself harder. Plus, running with a group can help you pick up new techniques and strategies for long runs that can help you improve your form and endurance.

Researchers at Kansas State University found that people who exercised with someone they thought was better than them increased their workout intensity by as much as 200 percent.

Have you ever watched the elite runners run in packs during major marathons? These packs are called “clusters.” Clustering allows runners to run faster, stronger and allows the body to get into a rhythm of running.

I am far from being elite, but I feel an increased level of confidence after running with the boos.

Socialize and Have Fun

Running with a group is a great way to socialize and have fun. Long runs can get lonely, especially if you’re doing them alone. Running with others gives you the chance to chat, make new friends, and pass the time more easily. Headphones are pointless on group runs. I have meaningful conversations with my run boos. One day it may be about marriage, the next day about kids, then we laugh about past race experiences. I have even had spiritual break throughs on a group run.

Tips for Running with a Group for Long Runs

If you’re are interested in running with a group for your long runs, here are some tips to get started:

Find Your Crew: Check out local running groups in your area, you can usually find them on social media or through local running stores. Joining a group is also a great way to find training partners and new friends who share your passion.

  • Black Girls Run is a nationwide program for women of color. In Atlanta, the BGR ladies represent!
  • Atlanta Track Club is a member based organization in Atlanta that provide support, race opportunities and community outreach.

We are back!

Plan Ahead: Make sure to plan ahead and communicate with your group members about your running schedule, route, and where to meet up. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the run goes smoothly.

Set Expectations: Be open with your group about what you’re hoping to get out of the run. Do you want to go fast and intense or take it easy and be more social? Setting expectations will help everyone be on the same page and avoid any misunderstandings. This is where you are honest about your pace. Is this group a good fit for you or not.

Be Cool: Remember to be respectful of your fellow runners. Everyone is at a different level, so it’s important to be patient and supportive of each other. And make sure to follow any rules or regulations set by the group.

Running with a group for long runs is a fantastic way to improve your performance, stay motivated, and make new friends. It’s important to find a group that fits your needs and goals, and to communicate openly and respectfully with your fellow runners.

So, what are you waiting for? Give it a shot! Running with a group can be a ton of fun and super beneficial!

With Love, The Cr8zy Sock Lady


Socks by http://BeLightCompression.com