I never planned on taking a 3-month break, but here we are after 3 months. My last post described my health challenges, and the irony of it all is that I am currently dealing with new (yet familiar) challenges.

My head is swimming. Sigh.

I feel like I know it’s from overexerting myself and not being consistent with my self-care commitments.

I told myself to get monthly massages (it has been 2 months since my last massage).

I told myself to get mostly chiropractic services; it has been 2 months since my last appointment.

I have slacked on my daily vitamin regimen, and my body is responding with a head that is swimming, eyes that are fatigued, and an exhausted body.

I also made a promise to myself that every week, I would keep this blog updated, but here it is… months later, and I didn’t stay committed to my commitment.

This obviously doesn’t feel good.

I am embarrassed, but instead of just staying embarrassed, I am going to get back on this horse and move forward.

Thank you for staying with me.

There are so many things I’d like to share with you.

There are so many things I haven’t blogged about that happened this summer that I want to include here – I will.

The biggest lesson here is to just dust yourself off and get back to it.

I am back.

I am human.

I will be better.