As the year 2022 comes to a close, I can’t help but look back on all the amazing running experiences and business successes I’ve had over the past twelve months. It’s been an epic year for me as a “real” runner and entrepreneur, and I’ve accomplished so much more than I ever thought possible.

But out of all the races I participated in this year, the most epic experience of them all was definitely the Chicago marathon on October 9th, 2022. My first marathon and it was in my hometown. Can’t get much better than that! The course was flat. 26 miles is certainly a major challenge but the atmosphere and energy of the race were truly electric. I remember feeling so proud and accomplished as I crossed the finish line, knowing that I had pushed myself to my limits and achieved something truly remarkable.

In addition to the Chicago Major marathon, I also ran several 5Ks, (my eldest son ran his first official 5K with me) two relay races, a 20K, and a handful of half marathons. Each of these races presented its own set of challenges and helped me to push myself further and further.

One of the BEST blessings this year was that I landed into an incredible group of other incredible go-getters.

We ran, sweated and celebrated many milestones together. They were truly angels to me this year.

They have affectionately been named: The Run Boos

One of the highlights of the year was definitely the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta. For those who aren’t familiar, it’s a massive 10k race that takes place every July 4th and attracts runners from all over the country. I was really excited to participate in this iconic event, and it definitely lived up to the hype. The course was hilly, but we trained for that. What we hadn’t expected was the extreme humidity. With a 99% humidity that day, using a color code alert system, we went from low/green to high/red. As I finished my race I noticed a few people on stretchers being taken away for emergency triage. Overall, despite the heat, the crowds were electric and I felt remarkably strong as I crossed the finished line.

But my running achievements aren’t the only thing I’m proud of from this year. Our sock company, also made waves in its first year. I’m extremely proud that we were able to launch and support so many people in their wellness journey. We’ve had a great response from cyclists, runners, gym goers, steppers, and other marathon runners.

We are inspiration for your sole.

We want every person who wears our socks to feel seen, loved and encouraged to go a little further.

I’m looking forward to creating an even stronger impact in the coming year with new designs, and greater community reach.

Looking back, I realize that this year has been a huge turning point for me as a runner and entrepreneur. Last year, I often questioned myself and felt like an imposter in both of these worlds. But this year, I’ve proven to myself that I have what it takes to be a successful runner and business owner. I’ve put in the hard work, pushed through the tough moments, and achieved some incredible goals.

Going into the new year, I’m feeling more confident and motivated than ever before. I have some big goals for my running in the coming months, including running a 9 min/mile pace by the end of 2023, completing another full marathon, and incorporating more weight training into my routine to become stronger.

All in all, 2022 has been an epic year for my running journey and business endeavors, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Here’s to an even more successful year in 2023!

Was your 2022 everything you’d hoped it would be?