Running and talking to God: one of my most favorite things to do while running.

For many individuals, running can be a meditative and spiritual experience that provides an opportunity to connect with a higher power. Whether you call it God, the universe, or something else, this connection can bring a sense of peace, comfort, and understanding to the mind and soul. Here, we’ll discuss the benefits of running and talking to God and how it can be a reflective journey. (I am not confused whom I am connecting with: to me it’s The Alpha and Omega Big G-God!

The Benefits of Running and Talking to God

  • Running allows you to escape from the distractions of daily life and be present in the moment. This creates an ideal environment for reflecting on your thoughts and having conversations with God. When I am running, I compartmentalize all the “messiness of life.” I may just run and leave it aside, I may bring it with me. If I take it with me, most times it is left on the pavement in the form of tears that drop to the ground.
  • The physical exertion of running can help clear the mind and create a sense of calm, making it easier to connect with The higher power. I feel that the physical part of running allows my body to process through pain. When I was struggling through deep depression, I could feel the release of built up hurt, sadness exerting itself out my body.
    • I do this one thing that PHYSICALLY gets me through a tough run. I will clap my hands. I say words of affirmation and thanks to God while I clap. This action breaks up the negative self talk that happens on a tough run. (see picture)
  • Talking to God during a run can provide comfort, guidance, and direction during times of uncertainty or struggle.

A Reflective Journey

  • Running can be a form of self-reflection, allowing you to think about your life, relationships, and goals. ALL of my blogs, come from my runs (hence why this blog is called “Stories in Stride.” I reflect about my business, my marriage and so much more on my runs.
  • When talking to God during a run, you can express gratitude, ask for guidance, and seek forgiveness. So this is my super-power! Giving thanks has gotten me through my marathon. I didn’t realize that this was the “cheat code” until I ran my first half-marathon. Giving thanks to God and to the volunteers gives me so much strength to finish. It takes the focus off of my inabilities and put the spot light on those around me.
  • Running and talking to God can also provide a space to reflect on your spiritual journey, helping you understand your purpose and place in the world. I have never felt so strong, until I started running. I believe NOTHING is impossible now.

Running and talking to God can be a powerful and transformative experience that brings peace, comfort, and understanding to the mind and soul. Whether you’re seeking direction, searching for answers, or just looking for a moment of quiet reflection, running and talking to God can provide a supportive and grounding space to do so. So, lace up your shoes and hit the pavement for a journey that combines physical and spiritual growth. I am an entirely different person because of it.

Try clapping, giving thanks on your next run and let me know how it makes you feel.

The Cr8zy Sock Lady

These socks worn in my race pictures were before I started my company.

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