T-7 days before the longest long run of my training cycle- The Chicago Marathon!

Today was my last long run in my training plan.

Hal scheduled me for 8 miles on yesterday (Saturday) but due to The Race, I opted to run on Sunday. This weekend was packed with back to back early mornings, and I felt it! Boy I was exhausted. I was a vendor at the Race (more about that in my next post, because it was AMAZING!)

Today I opted to run on the Belt Line instead of running locally. I just needed the vibe of something jumping and different than my neighborhood. I also wanted something pretty flat and unbeknownst to me, it was flat going and a gradual incline coming back – Yikes!

The weather was ideal. 65 degrees, sunny skies and a light breeze. Fall is here!

I ran solo but saw a couple familiar faces along the way.


During my final mile, I was running close the area where I had parked. The area is a line of stores with an attached parking lot and parking garages. Now, I know to look both ways before crossing the street. This is what I did, but at this particular intersection, I don’t know what happened with this driver.

I held my hand up to signal, “Thank you, I am crossing now” and out of no where, she pressed the gas! It was as if she lost control or she pressed the gas instead of the brakes.

I was almost run over during my final mile.

She braked hard, and I some how was able to dodge her car.

I can understand how runners are struck.

Stay safe out there guys.

What’s Next?

I have two last runs this week. One 2 miler on Tuesday and a 3 miler on Thursday. I will be flying out on Thursday for Chicago and staying with my mom.

This week I am planning on drinking loads of water and eating hearty meals everyday. (I really want to commit to doing this).

I wanted to get a massage or visit the chiropractor but I have been warned to not do anything new this week. It’s not really new, but I guess I will take no chances. I will just do some stretching at home everyday.

What am I wearing?

I still need to pick out my outfit. The forecast says it will be a low of 38 degrees in the morning and 55 for the high. So, this is much colder than I have trained for and I typically don’t run in long leggings or sleeves. Since it is still 7 days away, I am hoping that the temperatures increase so that I can wear my biker shorts and a sleeveless tank with my Cr8zy sock of course.

If it doesn’t warm up…Oh Boy! I will need to figure something out real quick. My second option will be light leggings, and a long sleeve wicking shirt. Geez…I don’t know how you plan for this when you train in the HOTNESS of Atlanta.

My mentor told me to not worry about the weather. It will be what it will be. Focus on things you can control.

Saying No This Week.

Over that last couple days, I have had requests made for me to do/help/assist people with things, and typically I do them. I realize I need boundaries this week. This week it’s a hard no!

I don’t want to be mean, but I know I will end up doing things for folk and be stressed out going into the marathon. I must take care of me this week.

So I am doing me this week.

I am resting.

Calming my mind.

Stretching my body.

Eating good.

Everything extra will have to wait until this race is over.

Love y’all but it’s a no for now.