
Today is different. 

I’ve come home many of times before. 

Landing in O’hare and driving through the city, hits different today.

R&B playing on the radio and I am feeling so emotional. 

All my memories of my dad driving through the city. Going to malls and movies with him playing R&B on the radio, him singing loudly in the car.  

Memories of me on buses with SCC (Soul Children of Chicago) going to to the West side to pick up other choir members as we were headed to a performance. 

Reminiscing of driving on I 90/94 Dan Ryan. This highway is the connection from downtown to the south side the side.

The South-Side is where I grew up. We could have heated debates on what part of town you represented. I will always represent the side that raised me.

Am I Sick or is it Nerves?

I can’t describe the feeling that led up to this moment.

I work as an interpreter in a school.

A few days before our break, several kids were out sick.

OMG!!! Y’all… I have managed to stay well for months!

I can NOT afford to be sick for this race.

I was swabbing my nose with Zicam, drinking tea, popping supplements and hydrating hoping the germs would stay away, but I had this yucky feeling that I couldn’t shake.

I felt a little light headed, in a like twilight-zone mood and my stomach was full of butterflies.

I DARED NOT speak that I was feeling this way. I didn’t want to give it power.

I just kept it moving and my friend was the only person who took notice and asked me, “Are you Ok?”

My Friend

Whenever I come to Chicago, there is one friend who I must always visit. We have practically done live together so It’s only right that I go to see her.

Tiffany T T Bussie Blair- Johnson!

Friends since the sixth grade.

We have gone to 8th grade luncheons together.

We have gone to high school together.

We have gone to college together.

We have had babies together.

We have buried our fathers within a few years of each other.

She is my sister, not just my best friend.

I asked her to French braid my hair for the race. I knew I wanted a hair style I could wear a hat with, but really, I just wanted to be around her. I wanted to laugh and crack jokes and tell secrets- you know the things you do with a best friend, whether you are11 years old or 45.

Boy oh boy, did we laugh!

That’s her in the dragon head.


My family!!! 🥹

My family!!

They came together to support me. 

I’m so grateful! 

I was nervous but after the 5K I’m so excited. 

I feel empowered and strong. 

My mom was in tears because she said she’s not as strong as she use to be. 

I hugged her and told her it’s ok. I know she’s my biggest supporter. 

I clipped my toe nails. 

Taped my heels, knees and toes.

Clothes are laid out.

I had selected which Cr8zy Socks I was going to wear.

I’m full of carbs. 

I have so much gratitude in my heart. 

The Pullins prayed over me and anointed my head. 

My kids made me a couple of signs. 

I am prepared. 


Tomorrow I will be a marathoner. 
