August 22 2021

Today I ran a trail. 😄

I always run on pavement, this was a great switch up…softer landing and great shade.

Even tho I kept my eyes out for snakes 🐍👀

Of course I had to hop over branches and fallen pine cones, but over all the short distance was fun.

Which do you prefer?

Pavement ⚠️OR trails 🌳?

In one week, I’ll be racing in my 1st official race!! 😆

The incredible Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta.

Today I picked up my bib, metal and some expo freebies.

Today is also my 1 year anniversary to running 🏃🏽‍♀️👏🏽 and I am so proud to be participating in such a momentous race.

Never just grab shoes and run out the
door 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

ALWAYS spend time walking to get your body warmed up.

After my pre-run stretching (7-10 mins)
I take 5 minutes to walk at a faster pace to raise my heart rate.

Discipline: /verb/

train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way.

Every other day, I run 🏃🏽‍♀️

On the non-running days I’m at the gym 🏋🏾‍♀️

This is a new behavior for me. A new habit. A new discipline.

It’s interesting tho. My mom came to visit and couldn’t understand why I got up at “dark thirty” to run only to come back DRENCHED in sweat 😰 I’m not carrying a lot of weight so to her, it just didn’t make sense. 🤷🏽‍♀️

In her days, people only ran to flee, not as a lifestyle.

So take it from me… run on

The masses won’t understand your why, and it’s not for them to understand.

If running brings you joy… GO GET YOUR JOY 😆

Yesterday I had an podcast interview about running. 🤯

Who would want to talk to me about this new passion of mine? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Pilar Arthur-Snead saw me on IG and said, I’d like to talk with her!

One of the things I shared with her and the Last Tenth Podcast was that since starting running, Running has taught me an infinite amount of life lessons. Plus, once you accept you are a runner, you are instantly inducted into this very unique community of loonies. 🥴

A community.

We all need them.

Early before the sun rose, this community of black female runners ran together in the heart of Atlanta. 🍑

They welcomed me in with kindness and hospitality.

“There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.”
– Idowu Koyenikan